Friday, March 03, 2006

New Image

Hi there,

I would just like to highlight somethings about what you went through. I have no doubt that you probably went through hell based on what you have written.

I myself was an Omegatrend member for over 5 years. And climbed the levels I did. The part in which mentioning Loren Watts and Sandra Watts are still with Amway is not true. They have left. The system within OT is different from Amway. If you look at N21 or Quixtar, their marketing plan is the same as Amway, but OT has a different system all together.

On the reason why OT collapsed, it is because of the corporate portion in which some of the staff were doing some "illegal" stuff and cause the accounts to be screwed amongst other things which brought it down. Also the Rapid Expansion program caused the company dearly as it was still a privately owned company. There aren't enough funds to support the expansion.

One area which i think I really disagree with you, it that the people I worked with in OT, even though some left before me, we maintained close friends. After I left, I haven't seen many of them for ages, and yet, we still cherish our friendships and we just met not to long ago and we clicked right on with each other. Some where key leaders in the OT world and all agreed that the trainings and teachings we got from OT proved very very useful in our everyday life, in work, own conventional business, relationships and so on. And we are actively supporting each other to break our personal best to achieve more in our lives.... now if that is not solid friendship and support... I don't know what is.

Omegatrend right now is under the company called New Image. I've no idea how the run as I'm not in it. Omegatrend has fully stop functioning already. It's a pity, but the friendship and personal development I got from OT... priceless!

My 2 cents smiling smiley

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