Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Omegatrend exposed

Dear Reader,

This letter was written with the objective to allow the reader who is looking to join Omegatrend, to have more facts and more of the data needed to come to a fully informed decision whether to join Omegatrend or not. It reveals the reasons why I quit Omegatrend, and the tricky and deceptive methods that were used on me to get me to join. Perhaps things would be different for you if you joined Omegatrend, however, I feel you have a right to know what happened to me.

The objective of this letter is not to tell anyone not to join Omegatrend, that of course will be your personal choice. However, I feel you deserve and need to hear the whole and full story and receive all the data needed before you make an informed decision.

As you consider due-diligence at the outset before joining, consider the following experiences from myself, and the reasons why I left and the reasons why in hindsight I would never have joined in the first place if I had have had all the data given to me.

And be aware as of June 2006, due to financial difficulties, Omegatrend has been partly sold to a New Zealand company called New Image Group which apparently ran at a loss in 2005.

In my opinion, a person should have all the information and data revealed to them at the outset, before they are asked to join Omegatrend. Unfortunately, that is not always the case, as many Omegatrend members won't tell you the whole story or the whole truth before you join. Some members are happy to take your membership money without telling you the whole truth at the start.

Omegatrend was started by Loren And Sandra Watts who were Diamond members of Amway, who apparently left Amway to start Omegatrend. Yet perhaps they never left Amway at all, and Omegatrend belongs to Amway. It's a possibility, yet cannot be confirmed.

As you join Omegatrend, they won't tell you that the founders came from Amway with an Amway mind-set. Loren Watts is also very much influenced by Horrie Watts, his dad, who is a retired Seventh-day Adventist Pastor who is still active in the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination. Loren Watts was also a Seventh-Day Adventist.

There is a possiblity that Loren and Sandra Watts are in fact still active Amway members, and that Omegatrend is just another Network 21, which was started by Amway leaders who tries to keep people in the dark that it's Amway. However, I am not certain about that.

There is a possiblity that they even went as far as to fake a court case against each other to convince people that Amway and Omegatrend are not connected. Seeing Loren and Sandra are Diamond members earning a fortune in Amway, why would they give away all that weekly fortune? The answer could be because Omegatrend was started by Amway as another offshoot like Network 21 and Quixtar, and is nothing more than a Amway scam which they have deceived the public to believing is not Amway!

Can you imagine how ingenious and cunning it would be for a couple of Amway Presidential members to boost their business immensely by claiming they have left Amway, and that they are starting a new business to support the unsatisfied Amway members. If that is true then they have pulled off a massive deception.

I met a person from Omegatrend for lunch and he gave me a business presentation. During the presentation he promised me that if I joined, he would weekly give a business presentation for my friends and people I share Omegatrend with. That ended up being a big lie just to get me to join as I never saw him again once I gave my money to join. He also told me that all the products that are sold are of the highest quality, second to none, and that also proved to be a deceptive comment, as most of the products are not of the highest quality, and I personally found some products to be rubbish! I was promised too many things to mention, all of which came to nought and were never fulfilled.

They will claim that they only get the top quality companies to make their products, yet after due-diligence, I found that to be very deceptive, as I located the top companies in that particular field of products, and found that they are not producing Omegatrend products.

Then they will tell you how much you can trust Omegatrend due to their quality alliances with companies such as ING, Westpac, Commonwealth Bank, ANZ etc. Yet that's not true at all, as they don't deal direct with those companies, and these banks have no idea who Omegatrend is. They only deal with a company called Genesis which is nothing more than a mortgage broker who gets commissions from these banks. The brokers who work for Genesis are nothing more than salesmen, who are probably more broke than you and I, hence, the name broker.

Certain Omegatrend members will deceive you, trick you, give you limited, false and incomplete information. They will twist words around to make it sound like something which it isn't. They will tell you anything to get you to join.

And please realise that there is no screening process for new members, and absolutely anyone can join Omegatrend. This includes criminals, fraudsters etc. So you never know who exactly is trying to get you to join, and if what they say is accurate. And you never know who you will be in business with. I am certain you would not want to be in business with a criminal.

When I joined I was promised the world and that all my dreams will come true. And I was told by a few members that they will personally find people to place in my business. Yet once I joined, that changed, and they then claimed I have to find all people for myself. Yet they never told me this before I joined, and told me something differently.

I then began attending the weekly meetings which they tell you is imperative to do or they won't help you build your business. At the meetings, they play music and it reminded me of a Church service. I don't mind a Church service, yet the "god" they focus on is Omegatrend. It's like a Cult!

After three years in Omegatrend, I realised that Omegatrend is uplifted to become the people's god and idol. They weekly come to worship Omegatrend and during the presentations, every single time I was there, I found the presenter and some of the people who give testimonies to make deceptive comments.

The business presenter was making comments that were not accurate at all. And it seems that the people giving testimonies are encouraged to exaggerate and make up stories to get new people to join.

They kept saying that after three months you will make $500 per week, and that most people do that. However, I learned that this was a big lie, that most people don't reach that level at all after three months. In fact, most people who join Omegatrend, leave around three-six months. And all the people who had made the $500 per week level, never did so in three months, but much longer, usually years.

According to some figures I read about this type of business, only one person out of thousands will make the $500 per week level between zero-three months. Yet during the presentations, they claim that its the norm. The reason they do this is because there are many people in the audience that are there to see if they want to join. So they are lied to and deceived and given exaggerated figures and data.

When I first joined I was ignorant and trusted what I was told. However, after some time and seeing more and more people having their lives destroyed, and promises not being fulfilled, I deeply began questioning and challenging everything I heard for accuracy. So after three years, and after checking what I was told and waiting for their promises to be fulfilled, I concluded it's one big scam, filled with empty promises and deceptive methods and information.

And every business that is based on deceit and exaggerated data, will eventually collapse, and bring down everyone in it. And this indeed seems to happening now due to Omegatrend being in insolvency as of May 2006.

It has hurt my heart to see so many families and people who's lives have been hurt deeply by this type of business. There has even been many divorces caused and many friendships broken. There is a huge trail of destruction left behind anyone who is an active member in Omegatrend. It's impossible to have progress to the higher levels in Omegatrend, without many hurt victims in the process.

During the three years I was with Omegatrend, I lost some friends, and ended up with dreams that were shattered. It has broken my heart and I am emotionally and mentally scared by Omegatrend, and it contributed to my depression. I have been spiritually, mentally and emotionally hurt and damaged by Omegatrend.

And one thing that hurt was the fact that the Omegatrend members are nice to you and treat you as their friend as long as you do exactly what they tell you. As soon as you say you can't make an order that month due to financial situations, or want a break from the business or to leave, they turn on you and begin to abuse you and pull away from you. What you thought were your friends, turn nasty on you and are told to cease any contact with you. Omegatrend members are told by their upline to cease all communication with those who leave Omegatrend.

I introduced a few friends into Omegatrend, and after I left, they were told by their upline to never see or speak to me again or their membership will be canceled.

So as you can see, Omegatrend is likened to a Cult. They condition you to change all your contacts in life, and to only associate with them and new members.

There is a very ugly side to Omegatrend, so reader, I just want you to realise, that if you want to join Omegatrend, then I wish you all the best, I genuinely mean that. However, realise, it can be a very deceptive business, which will encourage you to write down all the people you know, and approach them so they can come and hear about it. Then realise you are introducing people to a presentation filled with deceptive information. Is that what you want for your friends and family?

Omegatrend won't tell you about the people left behind, who have lost friends and family members, and been emotionally scared. Yet the truth is, there are many people who have been left shattered by false promises.

Now that you may have heard about Omegatrend by an Omegatrend member, and now myself, an ex-member, you have information from both sides of the coin, more data and information to come to a conclusion if Omegatrend is for you or not.

Do not believe them when they tell you it's going to be an easy journey in Omegatrend. The truth is, it will take you years to even achieve the basic and low levels, and during those years, you will have had left behind a trail of hurt people.

And to reach the higher levels in Omegatrend won't be as easy as they claim it wil be. And your journey will be filled with people deceiving others, using manipulative techniques and making false promises.

Many people use false pretences to meet people, just so they can recruit new people. It's a very common practise where people will organise to meet someone to catch up as friends, but during the meeting, the Omegatrend member will start trying to sell Omegatrend to the person. No wonder so many people get upset when this occurs to them, and this is the ugly and unethical side of Omegatrend. Some Omegatrend members will say and do anything to get you to join, just so they can make some money, and under the false pretence that they are trying to help you succeed.

In the good Book there is a verse that says "What does it profit you if you gain the whole world but lose your soul?"

And any person who makes it to higher levels in Omegatrend, has done so by having thousand's lose their dreams, being shattered, broken hearted, and mentally and emotionally scared. It's impossible to reach the higher levels in Omegatrend without having thousand's of casualties along the way. Is that what you truly seek for your life?

If you are wanting to be conditioned to love money and social status, and leave behind thousands of broken people, then perhaps you should try Omegatrend.

If you want to sell your soul, and don't care how many people you need to bulldoze over, then Omegatrend may be for you. If you don't mind Omegatrend becoming your number one god and idol in your life, and to all those you introduce into the business, then join it. If that is something you can live with, then try Omegatrend. However, reader, I am sure you don't seek that for yourself, do you?

Omegatrend only focuses on money and materialism. They encourage you to write a goal sheet, filled with a money focus. The truth is, Omegatrend teach members to idolise and serve money and to use people to get it, even to deceiving them. They will claim they are doing a great service for mankind, by helping you get money to do whatever you want, so you can help people and charities etc, yet it's all a deception, as they use that as a false reason to get what they want, anyway possible.

So, if you are like me, and would rather serve people with truthfulness, and you realise that honesty, character, ethics, integrity are more important and must come before prosperity and becoming a high member in Omegatrend, then I would strongly recommend you not join Omegatrend.

Also, be very cautious if you want to join and put in your whole life into Omegatrend, because Omegatrend is currently in insolvency and have hired a company that deal with bankruptcy. So if you put a lot of time into building your Omegatrend business, and it collapses, you will have lost a lot of time for nothing.
Current Financial Problems

In May 2006, Omegatrend called in administrators from insolvency accounting firm PPB. Omegatrend's suppliers were owed $2 million.

They will claim they are confident the business will continue, yet that is an opinion based on assumption. This is a bad sign for Omegatrend's future as being insolvent and unable to pay all their debts. The negative results will be felt within the members, and the top members and founders will still receive most of the money at the expense of the rest.

And as of May 2006, Citibank has pulled out of any allegiance with Omegatrend, which has had a huge negative impact on Omegatrend and their members.
Whatever you choose to do, I wish you all the best in your future. I can only encourage you to pursue character, integrity, ethics and honesty before you consider joining Omegatrend. And with Omegatrend being in financial trouble, and being partly sold to New Image Group, it is a very, very, very high risk business to invest your life into. Very risky indeed!!! It would be a huge gamble.

Omegatrend and ethics, honesty, and good character cannot go together, as there is too much deceit in Omegatrend and too much focus on money and social status. And at current, Omegatrend being insolvent, is too high of a risk to invest your whole life into this business with the added risk of losing loved ones and friends, and leaving behind a trail of destruction.

Yours Sincerely, Tony.


Anonymous said...

1998 I joined Omegatrend in Australia with founders Loren and Sandra Watts. I know for a fact that Amway has NO affiliation with Omegatrend what so even. Loren was actually kicked out of Amway for try to change the way he ran his Amaway business. So Loren and Sandra took there idea and start OT. After OT became successful Amway actually changed there structure on the lines of OT.

Our Business was every good in the early 2000's unitl Loren dicided to remove low insentive and only give them to premiers. But the big collapse was then Loren decided to open the company in Indonesia, all Australian supplies and support was limited while they concentrated on oversea's. This was the start of the collapse of my business and many others.

Also around this time Omegatrend products quality started to go down hill aswell.

Loren had purchased a 2 million dollar house in Syden which he boasted about any chance he had. With the opening overseas and the Australian business diminishing, he was forced to sell.

My opinion is all these types of businesses work the same by lying and deceiving people. Also i do agree you start losing friends and family by the scams they advise you to use to again customers.

Anonymous said...

I joined OT in 1999 and was introduced by a family memeber. I had no doubt in my mind that her and her husband had the best intentions for me and helped me as much as they could, but they also were fed the lie and were galible to believe the figures they had been told also.

Anonymous said...

Yep I was in omegatrend and never earned $1 after recruitments and thousands in product sales

Don said...

I had people in Bundaberg (Smith I think it was and his mate Jonno) try to get me to join Omegatrend in 1995, I could see that it was just a pyramid scheme and did not join.